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Buying Physical Gold
There are many ways to invest in Gold. Many people still prefer owning ‘physical gold’ that is to say they’d rather be able to lay their hands on it ASAP than entrusting it to a bank or virtual bullion company.
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Investing in Gold
Investing in gold has never been more popular and it’s not difficult to see why. With the credit crunch still sweeping across the UK and Europe – not to mention the United States – and the uncertainties in British politics still being felt, the price of gold has soared to quite extraordinary levels.
Those investing in gold could see serious returns on their money as experts estimate that in sterling...
Gold Mining
Mining for gold and then turning that precious metal into wearable jewellery dates back to ancient Egypt and one of the earliest recorded gold mines is in Nubia. The Romans mined for gold from 25 BC and used hydraulics, or high pressure water jets to shift material from the rocks and move the sediment, the water containing the sediment was then passed through sluice boxes to separate water and gold....